Subpages Overview
OAC Observatory

Comune di Capannori


OAC Observatory

OAC in general:
the Astronomical Observatory of Capannori (OAC) is an observing station located on the Gallonzora Mountain, in a panoramic place without too many artificial lights, near the village of Vorno, in the countee of Capannori, Tuscany region, central Italy.

The observing station of OAC was officially inaugurated on June12th 2010 by various members of the administration of the municipality of Capannori; nevertheless the observatory was (at least in part) working since 2008.
The scientific management of OAC is exclusively performed by the 'Istituto Ricerche Fotometriche' (I.R.F.) whose aims are carrying out scientific research in the fields of astronomy and environmetrics; more aims are public outreach and educational activities in the two above mentioned fields.
An important ideal inspirating the activities of OAC is the freedom of scientific research, teaching, and autonomy in scientific management, as stated also by thearticle n° 33 of the Italian Republic Constitution.

Technical data about OAC:
Geographic info:
long = +10°31'18.10" E
lat. = +43°47'38.83" N
alt. = 236 meters (a.s.l.)

Night sky zenith brightness:

The median night sky zenith brightness (measured in many no-Moon nights with an Unihedron SQM-L sky quality meter) at OAC is about 20.1 mag/arcsec2.

First order atmospheric extinction coefficients:
The median first order UBVR bands atmospheric extinction coefficients at OAC (measured in many clear nights with our two Optec SSP-5A photoelectric photometers) are as follows:
median k'U = 0.67 mag/airmass
median k'B = 0.36 mag/airmass
median k'V = 0.23 mag/airmass
median k'R = 0.18 mag/airmass

Second order k"bv atmospheric extinction coefficient:
latest k"bv = +0.003

the seeing at OAC shows a strong correlation with the time in each night, being worst (~ 3 arcseconds) at the very beginning of the night, and being best (namely ~ 2 arcseconds or better) at late night. Sometimes, at very late night before dawn, we get even 1 arcsecond.




Virtual Tour of OAC Observatory

OAC in winter with the snow
as seen from the street
The path that leads to OAC
under a clear sky
The landscape of Lucca valley
as seen from OAC
The control room and pine trees on the background in spring
OAC in winter with the snow at sunset
OAC under a cloudy sky
The dome of Oac as seen from the west side
The dome of OAC under a very clear sky
The dome and control room of OAC
as seen from southwest in a beautiful spring day
The dome of OAC with spring flowers in a very clear day
OAC from northwest in a sunny spring day
The clearing on the west side of OAC
looking towards north
The control room by night under subdued light conditions
The 0.30-m f/10 telescope in its dome as seen from south-east
The DSS7 spectrometer and CCD camera ST-7XME
attached to the focus of the
0.30-m f/10 telescope
The 0.60-m f/9.83 Cassegrain reflector in its dome as seen from South-East



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