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Comune di Capannori

CCD Photometry and Imagery




At OAC we are involved in various activities which make use of CCD cameras.

CATS Project

One of the CCD research programs is called CATS (Capannori Astronomical Transient Survey).
CATS is a CCD survey of various kinds of astronomical objects; the main part of such objects is made of AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei).

Some examples of the results of CATS project are those published at the following links:

In the first link you can find a paper about our discovery of the last outburst of the blazar
OJ 287. Our claim was confirmed by various research groups in the world as ESO REM telescope, Tuorla Finland, MIRO India, Poland.
In the second link you can find a paper about a binary black hole model for OJ 287. This model was deviced by a cooperative effort made by us and most of the above mentioned research groups. This model for OJ 287 predicts a binary black hole with the main black hole being the most massive black hole currently known. Moreover this model predicts the existence of precursor flares in the light curve of OJ 287; the next precursor flare is predicted around the fall 2020.

Other possible targets in the CATS project are the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs); read for example our paper about GRB150413A published in
GCN 17705 at the Internet site of Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA. GRB150413A had a strange piecewise (segmented) light curve, and our CCD R and I band photometry was obtained near one of these breaks.
In the following figure there is an R band light curve of GRB150413A obtained from many sources in the scientific literature. The arrows highlight the data from OAC.



At OAC we are engaged in a cooperative effort with Osservatorio Astronomico Margherita Hack (OAMH) and Associazione Astrofili Fiorentini(AAF) for the discovery of new variable stars by means of CCD techniques. Currently we are using the 0.35m Schmidt-Cassegrain at OAMH with AAF's staff. Most of CCD frames are shot and processed by AAF's staff; most of statistical analysis and bibliographic searches are performed by OAC's staff.
Until now this cooperation has led to the discovery of the following variable stars:

  • USNO B1.0 0851-0471938 ( Montigiani N., Santangelo M.M.M., Mannucci M., 2020, ATel 14063 )

  • GSC 5839-905   ( Montigiani N., Mannucci M., Santangelo M.M.M., 2017, ATel 10884 )

  • GSC 66-869       ( Mannucci M., Santangelo M.M.M., Montigiani N., 2018, ATel 11279 )

  • UCAC4 511-031703 (Montigiani N., Santangelo M.M.M., Mannucci M., 2019, ATel 12797)
  • UCAC4 510-032641 (Montigiani N., Santangelo M.M.M., Mannucci M., 2019, Atel 12797)

  • 2MASS J06535374+1201175 (Montigiani N., Santangelo M.M.M., Mannucci M., 2019, Atel 12458)



Below we show some more (see also the Best Frames page) fine CCD frames.

Globular cluster M15 and planetary nebula K648.
Single 120-seconds R band frame (with DDP digital filtering) taken by M.M.M. Santangelo & S. Gambogi on September 1st 2014, with OAC's 0.60-meter f/9.83 Cassegrain reflector + SBIG ST-8 XME CCD camera + CFW-10 filter slider and Johnson/Cousins R band filter. Normal sidereal tracking without guiding.
Globular cluster NGC 6426.
Single 90-seconds I band frame (with DDP digital filtering) taken by M.M.M. Santangelo & S. Gambogi on Aug 17th 2014, with OAC's 0.60-meter f/9.83 Cassegrain reflector + SBIG ST-8 XME CCD camera + CFW-10 filter slider and Johnson/Cousins I band filter. Normal sidereal tracking without guiding.
Globular cluster NGC 7006 and three galaxies (MCG +3-53-11, MAC 2101+1608 = 2MASX J21010721+1608273, GALEXASC J210117+160752.0).
Sum (with DDP digital filtering) of three 90-seconds I band frames taken by M.M.M. Santangelo & M. Pasquini on Aug 6th 2014, with OAC's 0.60-meter f/9.83 Cassegrain reflector + SBIG ST-8 XME CCD camera + CFW-10 filter slider and Johnson/Cousins I band filter. Normal sidereal tracking without guiding.
Planetary nebula M57 (and a hint of the spiral galaxy IC1296).
Single 90-seconds R band frame (with DDP digital filtering) taken by M.M.M. Santangelo on Aug 6th 2014, with OAC's 0.60-meter f/9.83 Cassegrain reflector + SBIG ST-8 XME CCD camera + CFW-10 filter slider and Johnson/Cousins R band filter. Normal sidereal tracking without guiding.
M1 emission nebula supernova remnant
120s CCD frame in R band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
M3 globular cluster
479s CCD frame in R band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
NGC 7790 open cluster
60s CCD frame in R band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
M87 galaxy and its nuclear jet
120s CCD frame in R band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
NGC 4302 and its companion galaxy
300s CCD frame in I band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
M104 "sombrero" galaxy
Sum of two 30s CCD frames in I band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
NGC7479 galaxy
Sum of 90s R band and 120s I band CCD frames taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics
NGC 1055 galaxy
180s CCD frame in I band taken with OAC's 0.30 m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain with CCD Camera SBIG ST-9 XE plus AO-8 adaptive optics




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